Thursday, 16 October 2014


The day a girl is happily thrown,
As decorated doll with jewel or thorn!
Either to hell or joyful heaven,
Adorned with a diamond crown!
The day of gladness, the wedding day,
The day of sweetness in jolly way,
Moments amazing from home away,
Shower of blessings, a hope, a ray.

Thousand blue-bells bloom aside,
Thousand orions rise and hide,
Fairies whisper new fantasies!
Fancies! Fancies! Just fallacies!!
Filled in mirth towards worlds unknown
Two rivers join while moonlight shone,
Fingers play the golden harp!
The strings of love! Never they sharp.

Dream buds blossom or withers,
Drops of bless or curse as tears,
Rushes joy or gloom as waterfalls,
Fills or empties heart’s mild walls,
White or black, who ever knows?
Rain or drought none ever sows,
The travel extends short or long,
Must carry patience all along.

Many fail making lanterns dark,
Never again their love flames spark,
Heart hard being a caged lark,
Lose patience the permanent mark.
Many fail who fill poison bitter,
In the veins instead love’s glitter,
Let them flow and fill again,
The drops of honey, snow and rain!

The end who knows the destiny?
Pray not to finish in mutiny,
When charm and beauty stop twinkling,
Wealth and health not sparkling.
As a candle, bride, glow and see,
Light the soul aside and strive to be,
A light-house rising towards the sky,
Withstanding the waves roaring high!!