Monday, 29 November 2021

238.Pineapple cake.



Pineapple.                           400 gm 

Sugar.                                   250 gm 

Vanilla essence.                  2 teaspoons 

Egg.                                       3

Sunflower oil.                       50 ml 

Milk.                                        50 ml 

Maida.                                     150 gm 

Baking powder.                      1 teaspoon 

Baking soda.                          1/2 teaspoon

Whipping cream.                   100 ml 

Yellow colour.                         1 drop 

Sugar syrup.                            3-4 tablespoon 

Slice pineapple.Heat a pan,add pineapple,100 gm sugar,1 teaspoon vanilla essence and cook.Allow to cool.Grind.Keep aside.

Beat eggs.Add 150 gm sugar,beat well.

Add 1 teaspoon vanilla essence,beat again.

Add sunflower oil, milk and beat well.

Add maida,baking powder, baking soda,beat well.Add half of the cooked,grind pineapple to this and mix well.

Bake in a 180° pre heated oven for 40-45 minutes.

Beat whipping cream to stiff peaks.

Add yellow colour.

Layer the cake into three.Apply sugar syrup,cream and spread cooked pineapple.

Repeat the process.

Cover the cake with cream.Decorate with sutable nozzles.

Refrigerate for 2 hours.

237.Flower vase.


Painted coconut caps.



Made with china clay,plaster of paris & fevicol.
Painted with fabric paint.
Polished with varnish.