Monday, 28 April 2014



My heart leaps with joy, not twice, nor thrice,
For Oh! Jesus! You raise me to the paradise.
The doors of heaven open, hear the voice
The sweetest of rain showers to rejoice.
The honey rain, the dream in a dawn,
When the morning star sheds beam in my lawn
All dreams merry and morale, all hopes jolly,
All sights pleasant, all songs mellow and lovely
For Jesus turns a lurid, lighted lantern
To glow while I travel the muddle alone.
As a sweet flute of reed, I slowly rise
Through which only His glaring glory I  praise.
He moulds me as a candle, humble
Brightly blazing ever in His holy temple
And makes me the gum, the frankincense
Smouldering in altar, with pure fragrance.
As a white lily in an enchanting garden
Germinates me in the orchard of Eden
To grow all my glimmering, weak foliage,
Withering petals and nectar in all the age.
Bloom again the dahlias, the geraniums,
The carnations and chrysanthemums
In colours pink, red, purple and white
And marigolds orange, yellow in sight.
Rivers flow, flow towards great oceans
Waves curl, curl towards endless shores.
Breeze of love embraces the lonely isles
Away away from thousands of miles…
Travel alone through the corridors of past
The two sparrows silently, though did part
To meet again, again, the eyes glowing
With love, the face smiling, smiling
 Like sentinel stars glittering gently
And peeping from the sky slowly, slowly.
 While the reminiscences blossom in mind
Will the sweet, sweet odour ever end?

Friday, 28 March 2014


Homage and prayers
To His Holiness, The Patriarch
With folded hands, with tears
To The Good Shepherd of Antioch.
The successor of St. Peter
The rock to build the church
Towards the Christ, the Blessed Savior
Towards the Holy Spirit He did search.
The keys of the kingdom of heaven
Are vested on Him, the Good Samaritan
The Powerful Intellect through His sermon
Victorious to free all from demon.
Homage and prayers, the Patriarch
To His Holiness of Antioch.

May the gates of paradise
Be opened with grace,
May the saints and holy arch-angels
Marshal with lighted candles.
May the Holy Soul rest in right
Of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Pray for us, the Good Shepherd
His holiness, Ignatius Zakka 1 Iwas
When turmoil and violence is heard
And for everyone who is in chaos.
Pray for us, the Good Samaritan
The Patriarch, the Holy Pilgrim
When we pass thorns of persecution
Till we reach the New Jerusalem.

Saturday, 8 March 2014


Wet among leaves, hidden, the birds sit
Hear about weather cold a bit
“The sun will rise high to make our feathers dry
And towards our prey we'll soon fly.”
Under the soil deep, soundly sleep the seeds
Listen the quest of decay as weeds
“The sun will rise high to make rays sing
Opening our eyes we'll soon swing.”
Covered with ice, the dales calmly rest
Face a puzzle whether freeze next
“The sun will rise high to melt all snow
Plants again bloom no doubt you know.”
Thick dark clouds spread in horizon bright
Listen a doubt ‘does come light?’
“The sun will rise high to make winds blow
Away all clouds and sky will glow.”
The worried, the rejected, the tortured, the lost
Confuse, puzzle, and lament a lot;
Get courage enough when hear a sweet
Voice heavenly the voice soft;
“The sun of eternal truth, the immaculate right
The sun of endless peace, the universal light,
The sun of justice, the sun of immortal love
Will rise, will rise soon and rule above.”

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Listening to the raindrops
Still I wish to be a child,
An innocent bud, smiles mild,
Wonders at the sky, wide
At the stars shine,hide.
Listening to the clarion call
Still I wish to be a bird,
A skylark whose chirp is heard
While it flies high and high
Up in the cloudy blue blue sky,

  And still I wish to be a drop
  Of snow, shines in hill top
  Where thin streams peep peep,
  To flow downwards steep, steep.

Listening to the raindrops
Still I wish to be a rain
Of honey to fill again, again
The petals withered, dried
In dreams everyone wish to abide.
Listening to the clarion call
Still I wish to be a shore
Near a sea,the cradle of lore
Where waves curl to embrace
Sands,shells and pebbles with grace.
And still I wish to be  engraved
In your heart,oh! God! Enshrined,
As glowing emerald,enveloped,
Always entailed and enhanced.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


My diamond, see, the precious gem,
A shining jewel adorned green stem
Of joyful days of pleasant song,
A gift from God, before very long.

But floods overflowed, droughts did parch,
Tempests shattered the tender birch,
Severe quakes broke the earth’s heart,
Tongues of thorns cut friends apart.

Lost the diamond. Among the mountains?
Between the dales? Deep in oceans?
Under shallow springs? Beside a lofty hill?
Or elsewhere? Elsewhere? Who  knows still?

Birds flew from trees to trees,
Made nests, then heard babies' tweets,
Butterflies did rest in blossomed bud,
Left alone leaving to bury like dead.

Spring filled flowers in grass in heaves,
Summer poured sunshine gently on leaves,
Autumn sang dreams sweetly in ears,
And winter did ice over many years.

Then I found my lost diamond one day,
Far away, far away, away and away,
Awhile, a star, azure a ray,
Awoke my soul in awesome way…

Never I saw, but saw the glitter,
Nor I heard yet heard the twitter,
Never did I touch still felt the comfort,
Nor I spoke though whispered a lot….

Whispered a lot... ‘Here is my diamond...
The bliss and bless, the friendship bond,
My diamond, my diamond, only mine…..
Forever the ages mine and only mine…’

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Again a dazzling dream blooms,
Withers away all petals of gloom,
Nature adorns herself in spring,
Rays of hope gleams in swing.
It rains in dales, over the plants,
Chills flowers, leaves and fields,
Embellishes the earth, fresh green,
Opening seeds’ eyes are seen.
It snows in deserts and valley,
Makes dew glow in peeping buds, jolly
Decorates each and every foliage holy,
I stay in foothills to enjoy lonely….
Rainbows among the silvery cloud
Flash a blaze for amazing crowd,
Sing in horizon a lullaby loud,
The glory of immortal love, proud…!
Melts golden rays, the rising sun
Pours on leaves, grass and fern,
Mesmerizes souls towards the luster,
Unfolds the eternal care towards nature.
Drops of pearls, the waterfall
Bursts from woods, a milky flow,
Droplets, drizzles and hails fall,
Tilt and thrill when winds blow.
Dreams are only dreams, whatever it may be,
As delicious nectar gathered by honey bee,
Withers the flower soon you may see…
Remains the sweet honey, ever fresh with glee.
Still a dazzling dream in heart dwells,
Withers away all gloom and fills,
 Joy, pleasure, everlasting jewels,
Mounts me towards the golden hills...

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Before the dawn she awakes,
Where a bundle of work awaits,
Cooks, washes, neatly cleans,
Cares, loves, highly concerns,
Always works without any rest,
And consoles everyone with much zest.
Settle disputes often arise,
Among kids with enough patience,
Waits everyone ends his dine,
Have the food calmly alone,
Much pain silently adorns,
To make both ends meet, not mourns.
Arranges the cloths, different things,
Thrown away by wards which hangs,
Bakes spongy cakes and soft buns,
Makes them tasty with jolly funs.
Dress worn out soundly stitches,
Irons, darns, and readily patches,
Waters the garden myrtles, the plants,
The branches trims well and cuts,
Tired and frail in all twilight,
Yet continues till midnight.
Isn't she an ardent labourer?
The mother, the patient homemaker?
Just a pat gentle and soft,
Filled with love and care a lot,
The precious gift ever she needs,
The only tribute for her deeds…..

Monday, 22 July 2013


Oh! Lord! The Olive Tree!
Make me your branch!
Me, a branch of wild olive tree,
A branch broken off,
Rejected, unwanted and downtrodden,
Rounded by raging fire,
Shattered by furious storms,
Completely crushed, being defeated,
Fiercely attacked, swarmed round
Like bees, lost and fallen down.
      Oh! Lord! The Olive Tree!
      Make me your branch!
     You, The Holy Olive Tree,
     The Root supports me.
     In your grace I do believe,
     In your power I am afraid,
    Join me, a natural branch,
    Spare me not, since you change
   Foes into friends, unseen to seen
    Let me continue in your kindness.

Thursday, 20 June 2013


Beloved and the best,
Sweeter than honey,
Whiter than snow,
Dearer than all,
And the greatest.
A relief in sorrow,
A solace in agony,
A help, a care,
A smile, a virtue,
And a praise.
An angel from heaven,
A messenger of God,
A companion,
A fellow traveler,
And a grace.
marvelous miracle,
A dream and truth,
A lasting spring,
A vineyard of love,
And a jewel.


Bleeds my heart when I see
The love you have kept for me
Never do I, the same, yet
Ever you love in your heart.

        Hidden, silent I remain away
        Still you search all the way
        Why? No answer I ever heard
        Except ‘true love ends never child !

Not sparrows have tweets for me
Not any stars have their glee.
Neither the Sun spreads his light
Nor the Moon sends delight.
          Even I leave, you do not leave
          Even I forget, you keep me alive
          Like dew waters plants in  desert
          Gently you shower in my heart.

How sweet the memoirs of past!
How glorious the moments flown fast!
How nice the spring now I feel!
How fragrant the flowers now I smell!
          No words to express my gratitude
         Nothing is enough to reward
         Like the snow flashes enormous rays
          My heart offers the buds of thanks.

May rivers flow and plants bloom
And tender leaves rise from gloom.
May the Almighty bless you ever
And all the bliss always He shower.

               Pardon, if I have hurt you then
               Pardon, if I have ever forgotten
               What should I give you in return?
               A tear drop? A bleeding heart? Just I own.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


My  home dear, I had to abandon
With so deep, so deep mourn.
My caring mom, I had to leave
With so severe, so severe heave.
The plants flowering, I had forsaken
With so intense, so intense pain.
The birds chirping, I bid farewell
With so extreme, so extreme yell.
My friends, loving, I had to forget
With so gloomy, so gloomy neglect.
My village, green fields, I had to desert
With so joyless, so joyless regret.
The river pure, I had to avoid
With so acute, so acute void.

My home, dear, I have to regain
With so thrill, so thrill again.
With mom, caring, I have to join
With so glad, so glad rain.
The plants flowering, I have to alight
With so fair, so fair delight.
The birds chirping, I have to meet
To sing so sweet, so sweet, tweet.
My friends, loving, I have to share
Dreams, so fresh, so fresh pleasure.
Along the green fields, I have to swing
So crazily, so crazily and sing.
In river I have to plunge in leisure
To find so new, so new, treasure.


Sunday, 3 February 2013


Still alive memories past
Never die, never perish
Come like butterflies, fast
Make one’s mind ever cherish.

With wings, moments pass
Leave footprints in heart
Never fade the shadows
Even friends go apart.

Hopes may soon disappear
Dreams may fast vanish
But moments past so dear
May repeat in one’s wish.

Death lays his frozen touch
Humans decay then in graves
Still memories alive in souls
Ever green and ever fresh.